Sustainable Mining


BTC Payment

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What is


Cryptocurrency mining is the process of verifying transactions and adding new blocks to a blockchain ledger.  Each new block of transactions has a complex mathematical hash function associated with it that requires significant computing power to solve.  The miner who solves the function first receives a Bitcoin reward for supporting the network and adding a new block to the blockchain.  A higher mining hashrate corresponds to increased mining success.

When transactions are made on a blockchain network, they get grouped into clusters called blocks to await validation from the network.  Mining is the process of verifying blocks of transactions and adding them to the blockchain.  The validation process involves solving an incredibly complex mathematical problem – hence why so much computing power is required to mine.  Once the problem is solved, the miner responsible for validating the new block is awarded Bitcoin for their effort.

Blockchains are distributed ledgers of data, organized into chunks called blocks.  Their design as peer-to-peer networks allows people to connect and exchange value without the need for an intermediary.  Since they are decentralized and users have access to all the data and transactions on the network, it’s significantly harder to hack a blockchain or commit any type of fraud.  This increased security and transparency make blockchain a perfect mechanism for data storage and transfer across a wide range of applications.

What is

Distributed Ledger Technology? (DLT)


The Future

While cryptocurrencies are the most well-known use of blockchain technology, their potential extends far beyond digital currencies.  For example, blockchains could be used to secure every aspect of the supply chain, store property records, create a reliable digital identity system, and even store and count votes in an election.  As investors continue to pour money into this technology it’s only a matter of time before it fundamentally reshapes our world.

Contact us

Uberitas GmbH
Wilhelm-Kabus-Str. 70
10829 Berlin